→ What is 6K4P tube?
- The 6K4P (6К4П Cyrillic) is a high frequency pentode from the Soviet era. Vibration resistance is given in the data-sheet and this suggests a special quality valve. The opening in the anode reveals the three wire grids. The mica supports are quite thick and this will help in vibration resistance.
- The anode face view with the grid supports visible above the top mica.
- The thin glass tube envelope is 17 mm in diameter, and excluding the B7G base pins is 51 mm tall.
- Reference: Data-sheet. Type 6K4P was first introduced in 1954.
6K4P Datasheet:
Name: | 6K4P |
Type | HF pentode,hi-durable,long-life |
Application | HF voltage amplification |
Cathode type | oxide,indirect heating |
Envelope | glass,miniature |
Mass,g | 13 |
Filament voltage, V | 6,3 |
Filament current,A | 0,275-0,325 |
Anode voltage,V | 250 |
Anode current,A | 0,007-0,013 |
Anode power,W | 3 |
Grid2 voltage,V | 100 |
Steepness,mA/V | 3,5-5,3 |
Reverse grid current,uA | 0,3 |
Microphnic noise,mV | 180 |
Socket type | rsh4 |
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