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Looking for 6P45S: Direct EL509 and El509 Equivalent?

🔊What is a 6P45S Amplifier Tube?

6P45S tube definition is four-electrode vacuum electronic tube (output beam tetrode ). Used primarily in audio amplifiers.

🔍Looking for EL509 Tube equivalent for Affordable Price?

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📝What our Ebay Customers Say:

📈6P45S tube Plate-grid and plate curves

6P45S tube Plate-grid and plate curves

🎼EL519 VS 6P45S

You can use 6P45C as a el519 tube equivalent, although it’s important to note that doing so may prevent you from reattaching the cover on your radio or amplifier.

💡EL509 VS 6P45S

The 6P45S tube is a direct analogue of the EL509 / 6KG6 tubes.

🎚️6P45S Tube Equivalent

        • 6KG6A,
        • 6N45S,
        • 6P45C,
        • 6P45S,
        • EL509,
        • EL519,
        • 8704

🏭6P45S Tube Manufacturers:

Reflector logoReflector Factory (Extremely rare tubes)
ulyanovsk logoUlyanovsk
Svetlana LogoSvetlana Factory (common version)

The 6P45S tubes produced by Svetlana are generally well adapted for use in amplifiers. Svetlana is a well known manufacturer for producing highly reliable vacuum tubes.

💸Average Price:

→ What Is The Average Price for 6P45S Tube?

The average price of an 6P45s tube is $20 USD

→ What is the average price for EL509 tube?

The average price for a new EL509 tube ranged from $30 to $60 USD

→ What is the average price of an EL519 tube?

The average price of an EL519 tube ranged from $60 to $100 USD

📊6P45S Datasheet:

Output beam tetrode
Application in output stages of TV scan modules
Cathode type
oxide,indirect heating
Filament voltage,V6,3
Filament current,A2,3-2,7
Anode voltage,V50
Anode current,A0,8 in pulse
Anode power,W35
Grid1 voltage,Vminus 10
Grid2 voltage,V175
Reverse grid current,uA2

🛒Looking for a trusted seller of 6P45S tubes?

  • We have many variations of 6P45S tubes (different conditions and years of manufacture).
  • We’ve been helping our customers enjoy pure sound for years!
  • We’ll find the right amount for you, combine the add-on, and help you with all levels of the transaction!

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Author: Anatolii KarpovAnatolii Karpov